Monday, December 8, 2008

Of Seizmic Shifts and Harrowing Balcony Dances

It was a scary scene at the ACC. Nearing the end of regulation a huge tremor ripped through Toronto causing the entire arena to be flipped onto it's side as easily as a baby is picked up to be burped. It didn't stop the fans though as evidenced by the video I shot above. We just danced right through our precarious perpendicular position only to watch the Raps lose by 1 to the red hot Trailblazers.

Overall I thought the game was pretty good. There was a lot to be content about regarding a more free-flowing offense. It looked great for a while. However, the Blazers eventually got the best of the Raptors in the 3 point department. Also, Aldridge lit them up by hitting every contested shot he took. None of them seemed easy. Sigh ... good game all in all.

Meeting super reporter Doug Smith at the half was also a huge bonus. My man Vishus Delishus (VD ... maybe it's time to rethink that nickname?!?!) did all the talking, and although Doug was clearly very busy, he took the time to ask VD's take on the new look team. Seemed like a really great guy he did.

As for the food, well, I didn't look for any (somehow) previously missed "sweet treats" (LD). I was too busy occupying my taste buds with the dollar store Gum Drops I smuggled in my coat's smugglin' pockect. There's always next time, provided they manage to flip the ACC back to normal.

The ACC Post Earthquake

Video and Picture by the Nac Daddy:

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