Sunday, July 11, 2010


So ... no more Chris Bosh on the Raps.

I for one am very happy. Thanks very much for all you've done for the franchise. Thanks for years of ball-stopping and padding your own stats so that you could get this contract and play with your favorite circle jerks. Yes, Chris Bosh, the worst marquee team player in the NBA has finally left the Raps. The most boring player in the league is gone. Holy shit was he ever boring to watch.

Of course when he was with us I stuck up for him ... and obviously I do believe that he is a great, great talent. I'm not going to lie though, I am truly glad he's gone. Fast paced basketball and Bosh are like oil and water, you should only mix them if you're going to make a fabulous salad dressing.

So where do the Raps go from here ... well ... hell if I know! Kleiza is a good start, signing Amir too ... but as far as getting a really big named star on the roster, I have no clue how they pull that off. Maybe they really don't need to. I'd be happy watching the young guys develop. It will certainly be interesting to see how Bargnani comes on now that Bosh is gone. I'm pulling for huge improvement.

Anyway Raptor fans, sit back, take a deep breath, raise your arms to the heavens ... and thank Buddha Bosh is gone. Boring basketball could very well be behind us here in TO.